Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's been a while...

Lots has happened.
I ran my first race- 2Mi. Not that hard, right?!
I was the one of the hardest things Ive done. I just got over a cold and I really wanted to do this race. It was for a good cause and seeing the faces of kids with cerebral palsy made me push myself to the finish line. And I did it. Not the best time, but it was fine with me.
My stress levels have increased by 70% without a doubt. I'm still waiting to hear back from Stanford, and as a back up plan I am going to intern at Kaiser for the summer. But my plate it getting more full by the day. I feel as though I might have a breakdown soon. Science competition, midterms, finals- ALL IN ONE WEEK! Wooo.
I need a little ME time, before I have a repeat of last year. That was not pretty.
Birthday in about a week, the 7th of April. Excited? I don't know- I am too stressed to feel any other emotions.
Man, I need a drink...