Friday, January 22, 2010


Alright, so I'm all for volunteer work and helping out those in need, but why did we drop everything we were doing to help a thrid world country that has been in poverty for over 200 years? Haiti survived without us. Why wasn't there a Call Center with celebs for Hurrican Katrina, or the LA Wildfire last year?? Get your priorities stright U.S. There were other disasters that have happened, and did just as much damage. So tell me this: Why this one?? Why must we help these people, but ignore the other 200 poverish countries around the world. Strangely enough, my father went to Haiti, and he said there isn't anything there. At all. There's a street about a half mile long that's full of shops and restaurants and little boutiques, but for the other 10714 square miles is nothing. With the expection of school and orphanages.

I'm not againt helping. I would love to do whatever I can to aid this country in time of need, but I just don't get it.......

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