Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fresh Start

I've decided to start a new diet.
I know I've been on the Muscle Milk one for the past three months, but I would like to see immediate results, due to the fact that I'm enlisting in the next couple months.
I need results, fast.
So I found this new diet book called the RICE DIET. Weird. What do you do- eat rice only for 30 days?? No, it's so much better. It's a balance between grains and veggies and fruits.
For example, for breakfast you eat 3 starches, 1 fuit. It gives you a list of fruits and what to eat.
I would like to be more dedicated to it, and I do belive I've lost at least 3-4 lbs. in the past 2 weeks.
Check it out. I've been on a diet for the past 5 years, and haven't seen as fast of results like this diet ever.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 42

If you haven't noticed, I have not updated in a while..... A long while.
You want the truth? Might as well tell it. No use in lying in a Blog.

The deal is: my diet, or whatver you want to call it, was not going according to plans.
Everyone has those days where all they want to do it eat brownie batter, or you have those days when you want to eat broccoli like its candy. I was having the browning cravings more so than the broccoli. I was on a protein powder called Matrix *seen below*. There was nothing wrong with it really; it cleared my face up, my hair and nails were stronger, but I didn't feel.... like I was losing weight. I may have lost a couple inches here and there, but nothing to really brag about.

Now, I am back to the very first protein shakes I drank when I was wrestling: Muscle Milk!! Love love love love that stuff. It's worth the calories.

I'm going to get back into running, moee biking, more strick diet for sure!!

Updates next week.

I promise.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

360 degrees

If you would have asked me 6 months ago to join the military, I would of told you were you can stick it. But my life has gone through a complete change and a complete 360- I am dedicated to joining the Air Guard and I won't stop until I reach it. I have the support of my father and sister, which is fantastic, but mom doesn't like the idea of her youngest to go off to war, though I would never.
When I tell people that I'm joining the military, they don't take me seriously. I've been told I'm "too pretty" for the military or I'm "too smart", but it's something I want to do for myself. I'm tired of pleasing others and it's about time I start listening to myself and put my "brains and beauty" to the test. I think the military is the best place to test my mad doctor skills and it's the best opprotunity I've been given.
Let's rewind, back to before the 360....
My parents always called me the "smart one", the one who was going to a 4-year Ivy League. My dad was excited for my interest in psychology, because he went to UC Berkeley and got his BA in psychology, thinking that I was going to do the same and follow in his foot steps. Now, there ins't anything wrong with that plan, but it's not my plan. I have never seen my dad so happy when I started talking psychology classes and labs, but I did it because I love the science. My mother liked the idea of me being a doctor, I'm guessing for bragging rights. Plus, she wants to retire in Monterey, CA on 17-mile Drive. Never heard of it?? One word- expensive. I liked the idea of both my parents proud of me, but was I proud of myself...?
One day, I watched a movie about the Army, one of the thousand, and I thought to myself, "Hmmmm, I wonder what life would be like if I joined the Army??" So I gave it some consideration, thought about it, did my research, and soon became obsessed with the idea. I didn't tell my parents until I had all the info and proof and fine details. The look on their faces will always be engraved into my mind. It makes me cry, like I'm doing now, to see the disappointment in their eyes. No more UC Berkeley, no more Ph.D. They could kiss those ideas away they thought. I had to tell them that I am dedicated to what I start and I need discipline to get there. That just screams military. Well my dad got up from the table and walked away and my mom was more interested in the attractive men on the brochures. I don't want to waste my excitement on them.
I told my father, "You are coming with me to the Base to talk to recruiting TSgt. Olmos and you will see why I love the Air Guard." He went, and to my surprise, he got along with TSgt. Olmos and more importantly, he was impressed. It takes a lot for this man to be impressed and for him to say that he was "impressed with the base and everyone on it", I knew he was on board with me. I have never been happier than to hear those words.
One of my biggest supporters was my sister Megan. She told my mom last year that she was going to be a firefighter and she thought she was kidding, so Megan kind of knows what I'm dealing with. She is the best- she went to the Base with me and my father, mainly for the eye candy, but she wanted to know more to help my mom better understand all of this. Meg was even thinking about joining the firefighting program the Guard has to offer. But she was tried talking to my mom, many times. She, too, was frustrated with her lack of support. And I really need her support most of all; during the last couple of months my mom has become my best friend. I never thought I would have that with her. So you can see why this breaks my heart to see her question my choices. She keeps hinting other colleges to go to and other choices, but I simply ignore her. I guess her tension comes from growing up in the Army- her father was an Army drill sgt., so she thinks that I'm going to experience the same thing. Only it's no longer 1979, and they have updated the systems and thinga are different- they give you choices and options and never do they force you into going to War, it's all voluntary. Which I LOVE! That's one less thing to worry about.
My mom wants me to be perfect: Chief of Medicine with a Ph.D in psychology, 3 kids and a happy marriage by 35..... Not any more. Now I'm debating whether or not I want to have kids. I have this new life I'm starting and I want to live it. This military is the best thing that has walked into my life and I'm going to embrase it. Just take it and run with it, as fast as I can go.

This is the new chapter for Nicolette Beaumont, and it's going to be the best one.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Military Workout Day 1

Today starts my new military workout.

I decided to join the National Guard, for medical training. It's the best training you can get. Hospitals will want you when they see you have military medical training.

The Goal:

I have to be 180lbs because I am 5'8", so I have to lose a some pounds while gaining muscle and burning fat. This is going to be a challenge, but with the help of and ExcersiseTV, I have created my workout schedule for the month.

Day 1-
weight- 186lbs
height- 68in
bust- 42in
waist- 39 1/2in
hips- 47in

Keep me motivated!
I love the comments.
I need some words of encouragement!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's been a while...

Lots has happened.
I ran my first race- 2Mi. Not that hard, right?!
I was the one of the hardest things Ive done. I just got over a cold and I really wanted to do this race. It was for a good cause and seeing the faces of kids with cerebral palsy made me push myself to the finish line. And I did it. Not the best time, but it was fine with me.
My stress levels have increased by 70% without a doubt. I'm still waiting to hear back from Stanford, and as a back up plan I am going to intern at Kaiser for the summer. But my plate it getting more full by the day. I feel as though I might have a breakdown soon. Science competition, midterms, finals- ALL IN ONE WEEK! Wooo.
I need a little ME time, before I have a repeat of last year. That was not pretty.
Birthday in about a week, the 7th of April. Excited? I don't know- I am too stressed to feel any other emotions.
Man, I need a drink...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lost and Insecure

I think I am going through some changes.

I think I am starting to act myself.

I am starting to have some more faith, though there is not much here to begin with.

&& I think I am finding myself.

It's a weird sensation, this feeling. It's like nothing I have ever felt. I think I like it.

A lot of stuff has happened since my last post. I gave blood for the first time and almost passed out which was extremely scary. I met a boy that I think I like...... & I added a new addition to my friends, Lizzie- great, spunky girl.

Bring back the comments!

My two favorite chefs <3