Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 42

If you haven't noticed, I have not updated in a while..... A long while.
You want the truth? Might as well tell it. No use in lying in a Blog.

The deal is: my diet, or whatver you want to call it, was not going according to plans.
Everyone has those days where all they want to do it eat brownie batter, or you have those days when you want to eat broccoli like its candy. I was having the browning cravings more so than the broccoli. I was on a protein powder called Matrix *seen below*. There was nothing wrong with it really; it cleared my face up, my hair and nails were stronger, but I didn't feel.... like I was losing weight. I may have lost a couple inches here and there, but nothing to really brag about.

Now, I am back to the very first protein shakes I drank when I was wrestling: Muscle Milk!! Love love love love that stuff. It's worth the calories.

I'm going to get back into running, moee biking, more strick diet for sure!!

Updates next week.

I promise.

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